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Q & A with an Oncology Nurse!

March 31, 2023

Kathy, RN is the Team Leader on the Chemotherapy Unit at Stratford General Hospital. She joined the HPHA team in June, 2017. Let's get to know a bit about her! 

Kathy, RN 

What made you enter your field of work?

I wanted to be a vet, but was out of reach so I became a nurse.  I knew back then that it was a skill set that can take you many different places.

What do you love most about your job?

I love the variety.  No two days are the same.

How many patients do you administer chemotherapy to on a typical day?

We serve 8-20 patients per day, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, blood product administration, bladder treatments and iron infusions.

We also assist with procedures as required and we insert PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) lines not only for cancer patients, but also for inpatients and outpatients.  A PICC is generally used to give medications or liquid nutrition.  They can help avoid the pain of frequent needle sticks and reduce the risk of irritation to the smaller veins in your arm.

How many team members work on the Chemotherapy Unit?

Three nurses plus the team leader work on the unit every day. A nurse PICC inserter is scheduled three days one week and two days  the next week.

What do you wish your had more time for at work?

Difficult conversations. 

What do you wish more people knew about chemotherapy or patients receiving chemotherapy?

Statistics are just a number or a guide. People are more than a number.

What are your favourite ways to spend your free time?

I like to ride my bike on the G2G trail.  I also enjoy exploring the woods and fields with my dogs Lulu and Coco.

In Our Hands fundraising campaign logo 

Kathy is a spokesperson for the Stratford General Hospital Foundation's In Our Hands Campaign!  Listen to her radio commercial!