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Connecting Through Communication

May 05, 2023

Each May, we celebrate Speech and Hearing Month, which raises awareness about communication health.

Communication delays and disorders can affect individuals across their lifespan, with 1 in 10 people experiencing some difficulty throughout their lifetime.

Speech language pathology provides support to people with language, articulation, voice, fluency or feeding/swallowing difficulties. At HPHA our clinicians provide outpatient speech language pathology services to preschool clients via the smallTALK program and stroke survivors through the Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team. Inpatient speech language pathology services are available for adults.


smallTALK, the Preschool Speech Language Program for Huron and Perth counties, is led by HPHA and clinics can be found inside each hospital in both counties. Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) and Communicative Disorders Assistants (CDA) work together to assess and provide therapy to pediatric clients and their families.

HPHA's smallTALK team includes the following members:
  • Karen Russell, SLP (Clinton & Seaforth)
  • Alyssa Schwartzentruber, SLP (Stratford)
  • Sarah Stevens, SLP (Stratford)
  • Stephanie Tanguay, SLP (St. Marys & Stratford)
  • Heather Douma, CDA (St. Marys)
  • Jennifer Ehnes, CDA (Stratford)
  • Natalie VandenHeuvel, CDA (Clinton & Seaforth)
smallTALK team members Sarah, Jennifer and Alyssa

L to R:  Sarah, SLP; Jennifer, CDA and Alyssa, SLP

Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team

Individualized speech and language services are coordinated by our SLP in partnership with the Rehabilitation Therapists. One-on-one therapy and group sessions are offered to stroke survivors and their caregivers throughout Huron and Perth counties by the following individuals:
  • Megan Querin, SLP
  • Hannah Coleman, Rehabilitation Therapist
  • Chelsea Coghlin-Fewster, Rehabilitation Therapist
  • Kyle Connolly, Rehabilitation Therapist
  • Emily Johnson, Rehabilitation Therapist

Adult Inpatient Speech Language Pathology

A core group of SLPs, supported by casual team members, provide communication and feeding/swallowing care for inpatients across the HPHA. The core group includes:
  • Mary Bender, SLP (Acute Care)
  • Madi Erb, SLP (Acute Care & Acute Stroke Care)
  • Karly Sherk, SLP (Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy)
Karly, Mary and Madi Speech Language Pathologists

L to R: Speech Language Pathologists Karly, Mary and Madi 

Our incredible clinicians work diligently to provide outstanding service to the members of our community, so that they can communicate to the best of their ability.

Happy Speech and Hearing Month to our amazing team!