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Working Together to Reduce Alternate Level of Care Designations

April 05, 2024

Aligning with the efforts of the South West sub-region Access and Flow Recovery Advisory group, the Medicine Unit at our Stratford General Hospital site will pioneer the introduction of a ONE CARE Let's Go Home (LEGHO) team member on the unit, making it the first hospital site in Huron Perth to do so. This team member will work with patients, and their caregivers, who could benefit from the community support services offered by ONE CARE. The three-month pilot project begins on April 15, 2024.

LEGHO is a time-limited (4-6 week) bundle of community support services designed to meet the needs of adults who are being discharged from hospital to home to help them stabilize and avoid readmission. LEGHO services may include Meals on Wheels, Transportation (home from hospital and to follow up medical appointments), Wellness checks by Care Planners, Home Help, caregiver support and Social Work.

The goal of the pilot project is to foster closer working relationships between ONE CARE, the Medicine Unit and Coordinators from Home and Community Care Support Services to better support patients receiving care in the right location and to reduce the number of patients categorized as Alternate Level of Care (ALC).

The implementation of this collaborative project will be overseen by a working group comprised of representation from our Patient Family Council, Medicine Manager, ONE CARE Staff and a community Client Partner.