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COVID-19 Outbreak Declared on the Integrated Stroke & Telemetry Unit at Stratford General Hospital

December 15, 2023

The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) has declared an outbreak of COVID-19 on the Integrated Stroke & Telemetry Unit at the Stratford General Hospital.

Outbreak status refers to two or more confirmed positive COVID-19 cases among patients that could have possibly been acquired in the hospital.

The HPHA is working in collaboration with Huron Perth Public Health to manage the outbreak. Patients, family/caregivers and team members affected are in the process of being notified and testing of patients is taking place.

Family and Caregiver presence on the unit has been modified. Patients may only have one family caregiver/visitor per day with no in-and-out privileges. Family/caregivers will be required to wear personal protective equipment including mask, eye protection, gown and gloves.

 “We’d like remind our community members to please not visit a patient at any of our hospital sites if you are feeling unwell,” says Erica Jensen, Manager Quality, Patient Safety and Infection Control.