Penicillin allergy testing for any patients who have been told they have an allergy to penicillin and have a low risk of a serious reaction, such as: hives, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, runny nose and/or cough.

If you are deemed low risk for serious delayed reaction or Type 1 penicillin allergy, a physician from the Penicillin Reaction Clinic will administer a graded oral challenge of amoxicillin.  You will be observed for one hour.  If any symptoms or signs of allergy occur, the physician will assess.  

If there is no reaction, the risk of any severe reactions in the future is small.  Therefore, you can receive penicillin in the future if this is considered the best antibiotic option.

Why does this matter?

Often penicillin is the safest and most effective antibiotic to use to treat infections.  Finding out that you are not truly allergic to this class of antibiotic allows your primary care provider to safely prescribe them and potentially prevent the development of "super bugs" such as Clostridium Difficile, which are more common with other classes of antibiotics.

Please note: A Physicians referral is required.

Adults: physician refers/connects with the Internal Medicine Office – 519-273-0100
Children: physician refers/connects with the “consult for kids” Office - 519-272-2040

Location, Parking, Entrance & Registration:

Stratford General Hospital - West Building, Level 1

Patients who have an appointment should enter through the West Building Entrance off West Gore St.. 

  • Parking is available in Lot E off of West Gore St.

  • COVID-19 self-screening is in effect.

Hours of Operation: One Wednesday per month