Mental Health

Listowel Mental Health Outpatient Services provides evidence based individual and group psychotherapy counselling services.

Services Provided

  • Assessment and Treatment Planning
  • Individual Counselling
  • Group Counselling
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Anxiety
This 10 week group assists individuals in developing behavioural techniques and cognitive concepts to adaptively cope with generalized anxiety and panic symptoms.
This group is modeled after evidenced-based treatment of CBT.

Individuals who would find this group helpful are ready to actively engage in goal-oriented group-based treatment and experience symptoms of generalized anxiety or panic; are experiencing symptoms of generalized anxiety or panic which may limit the individual's daily functioning and participation in normal or usual activities of daily living; are prepared to complete weekly CBT based homework and are committed to the regular practice of skills.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Depression
This 10 week group is a closed evidence-based group, designed to enhance individuals understanding of the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

This short-term treatment group aims to strengthen skills and strategies for increased coping and more adaptive ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) – SKILLS Group
Using the DBT Training Manual developed by Marsha Linehan, this program is a broad-based cognitive-behavioural treatment for individuals who struggle with both over control and under control of emotions and associated cognitive and behavioural patterns.

The purpose of this group is to educate clients on how to assess and identify thoughts, feelings and behaviours and to provide education and training in the areas of mindfulness, interpersonal skills, emotion regulation and distress tolerance.

This group is suited for individuals who have difficulty with exhibiting self-destructive or impulsive behaviours and need assistance managing negative core beliefs and emotions will benefit from this group.

This group lasts 2 hours in duration and consists of group instructions and dialogue as well homework as assigned.


  • 16 years of age or older
  • Ready to engage in goal orientated therapy
  • Experiencing mental health and/or addiction issues
  • Resident of Perth County

Referrals & Resources


  •  Referrals can be made by individuals, physicians, health care professionals and community agencies.
  • Individuals, please call 519-272-8210 ext. 2570 or 1-888-275-1102 ext. 2570 to make a referral.
  • Clients already active with Outpatient Mental Health Services, please ask your clinician about the Listowel Mental Health Outpatient Services and the services available.
Listowel Mental Health Outpatient Services Referral Form


Contact Information

Tel: 519-272-8210 ext. 2570 or 1-888-275-1102 ext. 2570

Fax: 519-272-8226 

If you need someone to talk to, are struggling with your mental health or addiction, or need to be connected to mental health services please call the Huron Perth Helpline and Crisis Response Team at 1-888-829-7484